Poster Presentation
Mandibular Morphology Asssessement of Posterior Tooth Loss in TMJ Radiograph
Lidya Irani Nainggolan, Lecturer
University of Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Dentistry, Jl. Alumni, Medan, Indonesia
Temporomandibular disorder is a disturbing disorder of the joint temporomandibular, chewing muscles that cause general symptoms of pain and limitations open mouth. There are two TMD classifications, internal derangement (ID) and Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). The mandibular condyle is a bone with an ellipsoid structure attached to the mandibular ramus. The morphological changes of condylation occur because of variations in development, renovation, various diseases, trauma, and also temporomandibular disorders. Visible degeneration bone in the TMJ associated with mandibular condyle changes with shape flattening, sclerosis, marginal erosion, osteofit, DJD, ossicle and microcyst. The purpose of this study is to describe the morphology of head condyle from sample that had loss their posterior teeth in TMJ radiograph to differentiate the shape. This research was conducted in Radiology Dental Clinic of Dentistry Faculty of USU. The results of this study obtained the form flattening as much as 28.8%, sclerosis as much as 15.4%, marginal erosion of 19.2%, form of DJD and osteofit as much as 5.8%. The conclusion of this research is morphological abnormalities condylus mandibularis that the condyle shape mostly found is the form of flattening as much as 28.8% and the least in the form of osteophytes and DJD as much as 5.8%.
Lidya Irani Nainggolan has graduated in DDS from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia and Specialist of Dento Maxillofacial Radiology from Padjadjaran University, and currently a lecturer at Dentistry Faculty, University of Sumatera Utara. She has published several papers in the fields of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. This reaserch had a hard work contribute of Syed Atiff Bin S. Johaidy.