Poster Presentation
Comparing the Effectiveness of Probiotic, Green Tea, Chlorhexidine and Fluoride containing Dentifrices on Oral Microbial Flora- A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Dr. Jayashri Prabhakar
Saveetha Dental College, SIMATS, Tamil Nadu, India
Oral cavity harbours wide variety of microorganisms, these are considered crucial for the dental caries initiation & progression. Plaque – induced caries is a local disease, therefore, dentifrices are the most ideal vehicle for the daily delivery of antibacterial agents. In recent years, alternatives to fluorides such as green tea, probiotic and chlorhexidine tooth pastes have been proposed to possess antiplaque and anticariogenic properties.
To compare the effectiveness of Probiotic, Green tea, Chlorhexidine and Fluoride containing dentifrices on oral microbial flora.
Materials and Methods:
A double blinded, parallel group, randomized controlled clinical trial were conducted among healthy adults. 52 Subjects were randomly allocated to four groups (n=13). Group I- Green tea dentifrice, Group II- Fluoridated dentifrice, Group III- Chlorhexidine dentifrice & Group IV- Probiotic dentifrice. Plaque, Saliva samples were evaluated for Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacillus at Baseline, 15th& 30th day of follow up. Paired t test &One way ANOVA were used to compare the mean differences of Plaque and Salivary S.Mutans counts at two and three time periods. Wilcoxon signed rank & Kruskal wallis test were used to compare the Mean Lactobacillus count in Plaque & Saliva at two & three time periods respectively.
The mean S.mutans, lactobacillus count in plaque and saliva were significantly reduced by all the treatment groups at 30th day follow up. However, Group III showed the highest reduction & was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: All the four groups exhibited antimicrobial activity by bringing about significant reduction in mean streptococcus mutans, and lactobacillus colony count at 30th day follow up.