Oral Presentation
Prevalence And Comparison Of Dental Caries Experience Among 5 To 12 Year Old School Going Children Of Chandigarh Using Dft/ Dmft And Sic Index- A Cross-sectional Study
Dr. Jayashri Prabhakar
Saveetha Dental College, SIMATS, Tamil Nadu, India
Background: Dental caries affects people of all ages with the highest priority risk group being school going children. Hence, this cross-sectional study was conducted as a part of the extensive screening, a joint initiative of Saveetha University, Tamil Nadu, Chennai and Times of India to assess the Prevalence and Comparison of Dental Caries Experience among 5 to 12year Old School going Children of Chandigarh using dft/DMFT and SiC index.
Materials and Methods
The present study was conducted among 3354 school children in the age group of 5 to 12 years. The subjects were selected from four randomly selected schools of chandigarh. Independent t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance were used to compare the mean difference at 5% significance level (p <0.05).
Prevalence of dental caries was found to be 46.9% with a mean dft and DMFT score of 1.36±2.16 and 0.28±0.80 respectively. Sic index score for primary and permanent dentition were 3.53±2.53 and 0.85±1.20. The dft scores declined progressively as the age advanced whereas the DMFT scores increased from 5-12years.
To conclude caries prevalence was high in primary than permanent dentition. Comparison between dft/DMFT and SiC indices, indicated there is a subgroup that presented with a higher caries rate.
Key words: dft/DMFT; SiC ;school children.