Poster Presentation
Fabrication of Fixed Complete Denture by Using CAD/CAM Technology
Dr Abdulelah Binmahfooz
Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
Advancements in computer-assisted design/computer assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology have enabled dentists to provide their patients with maximal functional and esthetic results, while reducing both the time and cost of treatment. It also gives prosthodontists the ability to achieve a more predictable fit of a prosthesis, eliminating the need for further modifications and/or soldering.
60 year old edentulous female patient was seen in the clinic with a chief complaint, “I hate my dentures, I want implants.” The patient received 5 implants in the mandible for screw-retained, metal-acrylic resin, implant-supported complete opposing a conventional complete denture.
After try-in of the wax trial denture, the trial denture, along with the master cast and the verification jig, were sent to Biomet/3i for milling of the framework. 3D visual analysis of the framework was received, and the design was adjusted for the final fabrication. The final titanium framework was received in 48 hours.
Phonares artificial teeth (Ivoclar Vivadent) were used because they combined excellent esthetics and strength properties. The composite resin chemistry of the Phonares NHC (Nano Hybrid Composite) provides these artificial teeth with excellent wear properties for implant supported restorations. The final prosthesis was placed in the mouth and the patient was very pleased. Follow-up visits were accomplished in 24 hours, 1 week and 1 month.