Oral Presentation
Moringa oleifera – A Mouthwash
Dr Fajriani, Faculty of Dentistry
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Aim : Ascorbic acid, flavanoid and phenolic contained in the moringa oleifera has anti-bacterial activity. This study aimed to look at the activity of the extract solution of morimga oleifera on plaque formation in children with ECC when used as a mouthwash.
Materials and Methods: This study used a pretest-posttest design with control group. Total sample of 30 people suffering from ECC. Samples were divided into three groups: the treatment group were given a solution of moringa oleifera extract with concentrate 5% and 10% and the control group with distilled water rinse. Scores of plaque was measured using the method Grenee and Vermillon before and after the intervention. Data analysis using SPSS version 22.0 for Windows.
Results: The test results Independent t-test showed a significant difference before and after the treated rinse moringa oleifera extract solution (p <0.05). Average increase OHIS in groups before treatment control 2,41±0,72 and 2,53±0,69after treatment while the treatment group decreased on average OHIS in group concentration of 5% before treatment 2,66±0,90 and 2,29±0,95 after treatment and group concentration of 10% 2,51±0,89 before treatment and after treatment is 1,82±0,75. Conclusion: Providing a solution of moringa oleifera extract concentration 5% and 10% more effective 10% concentration of moringa oleifera can inhibit the formation of dental plaque and there are differences in the mean plaque score significantly between the control group and the treatment group 5% and 10%. The treatment group plaque score 10% lower than the control group.
Keywords: the effectivity of rinsed, moringa oleifera extract solution, the formation of dental plaque, early childhood caries